We Care

we provide uniforms for 150 children.

Our believes in investing in the children of our community to eliviate poverty in the future.

On an annual basis we select children from the poorest families and orphans to purchase uniforms and all required school material. These children are able to start each year looking smart and having all that they need to be able to attend classes looking and feeling like other children.

Going the extra mile

We also understand that some families are child headed house holds and house holds that survive only on grandparent pension grant. This is why we go further to provide these families with groceries. After all a child needs both uniform and food in the stomach to enjoy the benefits of schooling.

In the past year we have gone further to provide registration fees for students coming from township schools who have done well in their matric. This was our contribution to the #feesmustfall movement. Our company believes it is not only the government that needs to take care of our communities but businesses also need to contribute.